“This is beyond what the Nazis embodied. I’ve never seen such sadistic violence”

In this first interview on Israel’s genocide in Palestine at large, the Burmese rights activist and genocide scholar extensively drew on his doctoral education at the University of Wisconsin at Madison under the joint mentorship of the late Robert L. Koehl, a pioneering American scholar of SS and its chief Heinrich Himmler and former US military interrogator of surrendered SS officers in the Allied section of the post-Nazi Germany in 1945, and his own extensive comparative research on colonialisms and genocides, including the Rohingya genocide his own native Burma or Myanmar – both the state and multi-ethnic society – have been perpetrating over the last 40+ years.

Buddhist Scholar Maung Zarni among Interfaith Delegation Visiting Palestine – https://www.buddhistdoor.net/news/buddhist-scholar-maung-zarni-among-interfaith-delegation-visiting-palestine/

He observes that, “Israel has built a vast genocidal ecosystem in occupied Palestine.” He explains, “by that, I mean a totally repressive system of evolving policies and creatively devised methods of sadistic repression, (labour & resource) exploitation of the entire indigenous population, with different geographic pockets, with a singular foundational mission of turning the land with the majority (indigenous) people into a land with Zionist majority.”

Christian and Muslim Palestinian faith leaders including the renowned Lutheran pastor,  Rev. Dr. Munther Isaac, – Bethlehem Bible College, gathered outside Bethlehem to join the anti-home demolition rally, Sept. 2024. Photo: Zarni



Maung Zarni
Banner Image: A panoptic sniper tower on the wall, Aida refugee camp, (the camp waz set up near Betheleham after the Nakba of 1948), Sept. 2024 (photo by Zarni)

Posted by Maung Zarni

Dr Maung Zarni is a scholar, educator and human rights activist with 30-years of involvement in Burmese political affairs, Zarni has been denounced as an “enemy of the State” for his opposition to the Myanmar genocide. He is the co-author (with Natalie Brinham) of the pioneering study, "The Slow Burning Genocide of Myanmar’s Rohingyas" (Pacific Rim Law and Policy Journal, Spring 2014) and "Reworking the Colonial-Era Indian Peril: Myanmar’s State-Directed Persecution of Rohingyas and Other Muslims" (The Brown Journal of World Affairs, Fall/Winter 2017/18).